STS E-Learning

STS E-Learning

A learning system based on formalized teaching but with the help of electronic resources is known as E-learning. E-Learning the purpose of this project is to provide Customer Representatives with a virtual learning experience every week. Customer Representatives required to read through a training document and complete a short quiz at the end or sign off on an acknowledgment page.

Administration Features

Admin dashboard to display the all training stats by UI chart.

Admin can create the e-Learning Training content with training type as ‘Acknowledgment' OR ‘Quiz'.

The training materials type should be PDF or Video(.mp4).

Admin can able to assign the training to group/department or individual person or all.

Every training must have start and end date.

After training completed with an end date, Admin can able to reassign training for not attended persons.

Admin can manage the user and department section.

Admin can able track the completed training for attended user and not attended users list.

Admin can able export training report by department/group, Individual employee, training-type and training name.

Training has been categorized with active, completed, future and deleted training.

Created training attend date not expired then training automatically placed into active training list category.

Once the training attend date expired then automatically training placed into completed training list category.

Training attend date expired after 90 days training automatically placed into deleted training list category.

Created the training start date for the future date then training automatically placed into future training list category.

User Features

User dashboard to display the logged user all trainings stats by UI chart.

User should be attended the training what admin to assigned for him/her.

User should be tracked/export the assigned training result.

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